I am an experienced History teacher who has created SOW for different schools. I love making different and creative resources and hope you enjoy them too! I will try and update any old resources and you are welcome to recommend any SOW for me to create!
I am an experienced History teacher who has created SOW for different schools. I love making different and creative resources and hope you enjoy them too! I will try and update any old resources and you are welcome to recommend any SOW for me to create!
An outstanding introductory lesson on Macbeth which covers: GCSE Exam requirements/objectives, chronological ordering task, detailed quote analysis (both as a class and independent student work), recapping context, key vocabulary for language analysis, analytical writing and homework. This is part of my wider ‘Macbeth: Full SOW’ resource/bundle.
A single lesson part of my wider 'KS3/4 Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar; SOW. This lesson is focused on parts of speech with practical activities and differentiation embedded in the lesson to support students.
This literacy booklet was made to support higher ability KS2, 3 and lower ability KS4 students. It is engaging and has helped students with their writing. It focuses on: Categorising, Spelling, Grammar, Comprehension, Word Group, Synonyms, paragraph practice and more!
A full detailed SOW of Charles Dicken’s ‘A Christmas Carol’. This SOW compromises of 20 detailed lessons for KS3/4 students. The lessons are fully differentiated and resourced, with a variety of creative, analytical and evaluative activities. The lessons develop students understanding of the novel, support their ability to analyse the text/language, develop vocabulary, support students with SPAG and help them foster an interest in the story!
The lessons focus on:
An Introduction - Source analysis, context, creative writing
Character Analysis
Comparing Characters
Gothic Features - Ghosts
The First Spirit
The Second Spirit and Context
The Present
The Present p2
The Present p3
The Last Spirit
The Last Spirit p2
The Last Spirit p3
Moral Lesson
Ending Part 2
Revising Key Characters
Themes and Characters
Language Analysis
Exam Practice
A series of lessons to support students with their spelling, punctuation, grammar and sentences. The lessons have a variety of tasks including: analytical writing, descriptive writing, fictional writing, independent and pair tasks. The 7 lessons were created for my 1h30 minutes lessons but can easily be split into more lessons. The lessons were designed for KS3 students but have been effective in supporting low-ability KS4 students.
A complete SOW with detailed lessons to teach Macbeth! These lessons are extremely engaging and support a variety of students with differentiation throughout. The lessons have a variety of activities including: analytical writing, evaluating texts, annotating texts and model paragraphs, group work, storyboards, ordering activities, exam practice, creating profile maps, comprehension, videos and so much more!! The lessons can be used to first teach the topic or for revision lessons. The lessons were designed to be longer than a normal 1 hour lesson so can also be used for double English lessons.
The lessons cover the following:
Macbeth Act 1
Macbeth Act 2
Macbeth Act 3
Macbeth Act 4
Macbeth Act 5
Content Revision
Major Themes
Structure/Language Analysis
Exam Practice
This lesson focuses on Victorian England and can be used as part of the English unit on ‘A Christmas Carol’ or as a History lesson (has contextual information, source analysis, video analysis and writing tasks). This is from my wider ‘Full SOW A Christmas Carol’ resource.
This lesson is designed to support students with writing a persuasive non-fiction piece on including more people with disabilities. It looks at both a TED TALK video and a article to help students construct an argument and then present it at the end of the lesson.